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Angularjs Training Course

What is Angular js
Installing Angular CLI
Setting up the local environment and workspace
Build your first Angular app
Getting started with Angular
Deploying an application
Adding navigation
Using forms for user input
Managing data

Component Lifecycle
Component interaction
Content projection
Angular elements
View encapsulation
Component styles
Sharing data between child and parent directives and components
Dynamic component loader

Displaying values with interpolation
Class and style binding
Class and style binding (Input/Output)
Built-in directives
Attribute binding
Property binding
Event binding

Understanding Pipes
Transforming data with parameters and chained pipes
Using a pipe in a template
SVG as templates
Understanding template variables

Built-in directives
Attribute directives
Directive composition API
Structural directives

Dependency injection in Angular
Understanding dependency injection
Creating an injectable service
Configuring dependency providers
Hierarchical injectors
Injection context

Angular modularity
Type of feature modules
NgModule API
Launching your app with a root module
JavaScript modules vs. NgModules
Singleton services
Providing dependencies in modules
Sharing modules
RxJS library
Dependency injection in action
Observables compared to other techniques

ng extract-i18n
ng add
ng build
ng deploy
ng cache
ng serve
ng generate
ng version
ng doc
ng analytics
ng config
ng e2e
ng lint
ng run
ng test
API refrence
ng update

NG0100: Expression has changed after it was checked
NG01203: You must register an `NgValueAccessor` with a custom form control
NG0403: An NgModule that was used for bootstrapping does not specify which component should be initialized
NG0200: Circular dependency in DI detected while instantiating a provider
NG0209: Expected provider to be `multi: true` but did not get an Array
NG02200: Cannot find a differ for object in ngFor
NG0203: `inject()` must be called from an injection context such as a constructor, a factory function, a field initializer, or a function used with `runInInjectionContext`
NG0300: Multiple components match with the same tagname
NG0301: Export not found!
NG0302: Pipe not found!
NG0403: An NgModule that was used for bootstrapping does not specify which component should be initialized.
NG0501: During hydration, Angular expected more sibling DOM nodes to be present than what was found
NG0502: During hydration, Angular expected to find a DOM node, but it did not exist
G0503: During serialization, Angular detected DOM nodes that were created outside of Angular's context and used for content projection.
NG0504: The ngSkipHydration attribute was added to an element that is not a component host.
NG0505: No hydration info is present in server response.
NG0506: NgZone remains unstable after a long period of time
NG0507: HTML content was altered after server-side rendering

Deployment application
DevTools Tool
Generating code using schematics
Schematics for libraries
Authoring schematics
AOT Compiler
Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation
Building and serving Angular apps
Angular compiler options
Template type checking
AOT metadata errors

Angular use in java, django ,php and fullstack development