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Hibernate Training Course (ORM)

Hibernate ORM enables developers to more easily write applications whose data outlives the application process. As an Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, Hibernate is concerned with data persistence as it applies to relational databases (via JDBC). Unfamiliar with the notion of ORM? and ONE to ONE or Many to One , and Many to many and also some HQL.

Hibernate architecture overview
Issues with Persistence layers and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
POJO (Plain Old Java Object) Based Mapping
Hibernate Overview and Benefits

Object/Relational Mapping
JPA Provider
Idiomatic persistence
High Performance
Persistent object
Transient object
Detached object

Ant task
Mapping Editor
Reverse Engineering
Overview of the Hibernate distribution
Configuring Hibernate
Hibernate.cfg.xml file
File, Mapping the Entity Class
Configuration class, Session Interface
Mapping a Class
Persistent Entity Class, Hibernate Mapping
SessionFactory configuration
Connection properties, Database dialect
“Hello World” Program for Hibernate
Primary keys: Id property, Generated Id
Hibernate Type System Working with sessions and
Persistent Objects

Full-text search for entities
Easy yet powerful
Full control
Spatial queries
Local or distributed
Transaction Overview and Transactions in Hibernate
Persistent, transient, and detached objects
Hibernate Transaction API (in Managed and Non-managed Environments)
The lifecycle of managed objects
Persistent, transient, and detached objects
The Persistence (Session) Context (Lifespan, Relation to Managed Objects, Propagation)
The Persistence (Session) Context (Lifespan, Relation to Managed Objects, Propagation)
Contextual Sessions
Synchronization to the Database
Transaction Overview and Transactions in Hibernate
The lifecycle of managed objects
Contextual Sessions
Synchronization to the Database
Hibernate Transaction API (in Managed and Non-managed Environments)

Reactive Object/Relational Mapping
Getting Started
Overview of the Criteria API
Query by Example
Working Querying with the Criteria API

Reference implementation
Application layer agnostic validation
Rich metadata API
Added value
Cascading Over Relationships
Detached Objects and Optimistic Locking
Locking Objects
Object Relationship Overview
The Relationship “inverse”
Versioning overview and Using Versioning
Queries Across Relationships (Lazy and Eager)

One to One
Many to One
One to Many
Many to Many
Uni directional
Explanation on inverse and cascade attributes
Bi directional
Table per Subclass mapping
Entity Inheritance with Hibernate
Table-per-class mapping
Table per Concrete Class mapping

Server supplied pool
Default connection pool
Third party vendor connection pool
Optimistic Concurrency control
Pessimistic Concurrency control
Programmatic transactions with JTA

HQL – Hibernate Query Language Overview
Inserting and Updating Entities
Creating and working with queries
Named Queries, Projection Queries, Aggregate Queries
The Query Interface

Projection Queries, Aggregate queries
Native SQL Queries
Query Filters
Bulk updates and deletes

Live project on Spring+Hibernate with AWS