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Reactjs Training

React can change how you think about the designs you look at and the apps you build. When you build a user interface with React, you will first break it apart into pieces called components. Then, you will describe the different visual states for each of your components. Finally, you will connect your components together so that the data flows through them. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the thought process of building a searchable product data table with React.

Start a New React Project
Production-grade React frameworks
React Developer Tools
Add React to an Existing Project
Editor Setup
Using TypeScript

Your First Component
Writing Markup with JSX
Importing and Exporting Components
Conditional Rendering
Passing Props to a Component
Rendering Lists
JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces
Keeping Components Pure

Reacting to Input with State
Choosing the State Structure
Scaling Up with Reducer and Context
Preserving and Resetting State
Extracting State Logic into a Reducer
Passing Data Deeply with Context
Sharing State Between Components

Responding to Events
State: A Component's Memory
Updating Objects in State
Render and Commit
Queueing a Series of State Updates
State as a Snapshot
Updating Arrays in State

Referencing Values with Refs
Manipulating the DOM with Refs
Synchronizing with Effects
Reusing Logic with Custom Hooks
You Might Not Need an Effect
Separating Events from Effects
Removing Effect Dependencies
Lifecycle of Reactive Effects

Live Project with Reactjs